Official Website Development | 公司官網開發
In 2014, while serving as the SW3 Development Team Leader, we received a request from the sales department to redesign and redevelop our company's official website. In response, my team and I embarked on the creation of a brand new, fully static website with responsive web design (RWD). This modernized site was not only aesthetically updated but also featured dynamic integration with job banks, allowing us to instantly update recruitment information on the homepage.
在 2014 年,我作為 SW3 開發團隊領導,接到業務部門的請求,要求我們重新設計並開發公司的官方網站。為此,我與我的團隊成員一起,從頭開始建立了一個全新的、完全靜態的、響應式設計(RWD)的公司官方網站。該網站不僅在設計上現代化,還實現了與人力銀行系統的動態整合,使我們能夠在首頁即時更新招聘資訊。
Role: Development Team Leader