Gestural Control of Robotic Arm Demo Kit | 手勢控制機器手臂
To assist our company in promoting the DDS communication protocol, I designed and implemented a DDS Robotic Arm Demo Kit. This Demo Kit was highly praised within our company and was selected for participation in Huawei technical meetings and various sharing sessions. It incorporates technologies such as ZMQ, Golang, C, and Arduino. Through DDS, we achieved the capability to control the robotic arm using leap motion.
為了幫助公司推廣DDS通訊協定,我設計並開發了 DDS 機械臂 Demo Kit。該 Demo Kit 在公司內獲得高度評價,並成功被選為參加華為技術會議及多次分享會的項目。在此項目中,我利用了 ZMQ、Golang、C語言和 Arduino 技術。通過 DDS 實現了利用 leap motion 來控制機械臂的功能。
Role: Tech Lead