No-code AI Model Development Tool - Nilvana Vision Studio
Nilvana Vision Studio was the core driving force behind the creation of this brand, stemming from my dissatisfaction with existing annotation tools and model training platforms. This inspired the idea to develop this product. To realize this vision, we built the entire infrastructure from scratch, including hardware workstations, edge devices, and the Dashboard, all in service of this flagship software. From data collection, annotation, and training, to model deployment and inference, no coding is required. It supports problem types such as Object Detection, Classification, and Segmentation, and pioneered innovative features like multi-user collaboration and automatic annotation. I'm super proud of this product, it even bagged the Taiwan Excellence Award, which is pretty awesome.
我創立 Nilvana 這個品牌是因為我對現有的註釋工具和模型訓練平台感到不滿意。這激發了我開發這款新產品的想法。為了實現這個願景,我們從頭開始構建了整個基礎設施,包括工作站、邊緣設備和Dashboard,全部都是為了成就這款旗艦軟體。從資料收集、標註和訓練,到模型部署和推理,都不需要寫任何程式。它支援物體偵測、分類和分割等問題類型,也首創多人協作跟自動標註的功能。我為這款產品感到無比自豪,這項產品也獲得台灣精品獎的肯定。
Release Notes
V2.2.0 (2023.04.11)
- Fixed the issue with the mosaic augmentation function.
- Added an annotation heatmap for object detection problems.
- Made several improvements and bug fixes to enhance performance and stability.
V2.1.0 (2023.03.17)
- Added support for image segmentation problems, providing users with a new problem type and intelligent annotation functions.
- Included several improvements and bug fixes to enhance overall software stability and performance.
V2.0.1 (2022.12.21)
- Some enhancements and bug fixes.
V2.0.0 (2022.12.14)
- Introduce brand-new network architectures for the object detection problem.
- Include tiny and small network architectures for the classification problem.
- Add health-related information to version detail pages.
- Redesign the pre-trained model pages and include new models.
- A few improvements and bug fixes.
V1.5.0 (2022.09.02)
- Support mosaic data augmentation.
- Some enhancements and bug fixes.
V1.4.0 (2022.07.11)
- Support tensorflow export for object detection problem.
- Some enhancements and bug fixes.
V1.3.0 (2022.06.07)
- Support ONNX export for object detection and classification problems.
- Support with choosing different pre-trained models for object detection and classification problems.
- Support split dataset export for object detection problem.
- Enhance annotation performance for large images.
- Some enhancements and bug fixes.
V1.2.0 (2022.01.21)
- Responsive Web Design (RWD).
- Some enhancements and bug fixes for annotation, version and CAM.
- Some new descriptions to improve the understanding of some features.
V1.1.0 (2022.01.04)
- Support class activation maps (CAM) for classification problem.
- Support IoU threshold for object detection endpoint.
- Add hyperparameter information to model detail.
- Enhance dataset import function.
- Enhance version generation performance.
- Some enhancements and bug fixes for annotation.
- Some new descriptions to improve the understanding of some features.
V1.0.0 (2021.12.22)
- Support image classification problem.
- Redesign data augmentation feature.
- Redesign version detail pages.
- Redesign model detail pages.
- Redesign model evaluation pages.
- Support multiple images validation.
- Support hyperparameter tuning for model training.
- Support CSV export for training diagrams.
- Allow password reset for administrator account.
- Approve semi-automatic annotation boxes with one click.
- Some enhancements and bug fixes for model training and annotation.
- Some new descriptions to improve the understanding of some features.
V0.13.0 (2021.10.06)
- Update database schema to version 2.
- Some enhancements and bug fixes for model training.
- Support CVAT annotation format for object detection problem.
- Redesign augmentation component.
- Some new texts to improve the understanding of some features.
V0.12.1 (2021.08.11)
- Some enhancements and bug fixes.